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Gave dingen die je wil delen

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    Gave dingen die je wil delen

    Korting op 420shop
    Regelmatig kom ik gave artikelen of onderzoeken oid tegen die ik dan graag wil delen, maar weet nooit echt een goeie plek..
    daarom besloot ik er hier een nieuw topic voor aan te maken
    vooral in de eerste instantie voor gave plant feitjes en ontdekkingen, maar voel je vrij om alle gave dingen hier te delen

    After 2 months, the results are in…
    We buried 5 x 100% cotton white undies in 5 different locations to compare soil health.

    It is commonly misunderstood just how ALIVE soil is. More than 25% of our planet’s life live in the soil, mostly in the form of microbes .

    Microbes play a huge role in plant health. They act as the plant’s ‘stomach’, digesting nutrients and providing key chemicals like nitrogen and phosphorous for plant cells to take in. Microbes can also move water around and prevent diseases.

    So yeah, they are a big deal

    #soilyourundies challenge by @unediscovery showcases the amount of soil life. The more degraded the undies, the more life your soil contains (meaning a healthier soil).

    1. CONTROL- no signs of decay
    2. CONVENTIONAL FARMED LAND- 2x 1cm sign of decay, otherwise no decay
    3. BAG PURCHASED COMPOST- no signs of decay
    4. BAG PURCHASED POTTING MIX- 50% decay. ~50% cotton remaining + elastic
    5. HOMEMADE COMPOST- >90% decay. <10% cotton remaining + elastic

    The homemade compost was made from friends, families and local businesses green + brown waste. For more information, send us a DM

    EDIT: this does not replace having a proper soil test. The undie experiment is to showcase on a visual level to promote soil health to a wider audience.
    We used Richgro All Purpose Organic Compost and Osmocote Premium Potting Mix

    #universityofnewengland #une #unediscovery #soilhealth #soilscience #soilfoodweb #soilyourundieschallenge #soilhealthmatters #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #permaculture #itstartsinthesoil #scienceeveryday #science #schoolholidayfun #soilexperiment #athomeexperiment #womenwhoscience #macleayvalley #macleayvalleyhinterland #macleayvalleyfoodbowl

    FB_IMG_1632234300770.jpg ​​​​​​

    After 2 months, the results are in… We buried 5 x 100% cotton white undies in 5 different locations to compare soil health. It is commonly misunderstood just how ALIVE soil is. More than 25% of...


    • Slome Joop
      Slome Joop commented
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      He, daar is mijn onderbroek dus.

    • QnQ
      QnQ commented
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      Ik vind het wat ver gaan om al mijn vrienden en familie tot compost te gaan verwerken nu.
      De meeste leven gewoon nog dus ze gaan ook niet vrijwillig meewerken denk ik.

    • BackYardPlant
      BackYardPlant commented
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      Huh QnQ hahahahaha
      Wat bedoel je

      Ooo nogmaals gelezen

      Had je t woordje "waste" gemist?