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You: you went down sometimes, deep into the ground
You: where the trolls live and the dinosaurs
Stranger: Totally
You: i go there alot
Stranger: Yeah man
You: you're strange man
You: a stranger
Stranger: No doubt
You: where the fuck that came from
You: wow a bug
You: is buzzing around
You: damn
You: nasy
You: nasty
Stranger: Radical dude knarly
You: thats what i like when im going down, its lovely
You: i really like the weather thoug
Stranger: Damn straight
You: no its curved
Stranger: Knarly
You: im really confused
You: im talking to a stranger
You: and dont know what to do
Stranger: Brill
You: say some shit man
You: yow yow , hi my name is
Stranger: Weezer
You: Wakka wakka slim shady
You: im william
Stranger: Ooeeoo I look like buddy holly
You: I like big buts and I cannot lie, you otherone brothers cant denie
Stranger: I dint care what they think about us anyway I don't care about that
You: I don't care about nothing
Stranger: Where's my motherfucking crunk juice
Stranger: ?
You: where's my motherfucking joint
You: idunno
You: stuff
You: my stuff is hiding from me
You: you want some grass
Stranger: Someone buy me a cofee
You: if you want some go to a coffeeshop
You: like the ones in holland
Stranger: I'm homeless and live in a bin
You: i eat from the bin
You: not live in it
Stranger: I do both
You: i have a really large box
You: you shit in it?
You: i do
You: if i must
You: and then i can eat my own shit
Stranger: Yes but I eat my own shit to stop me from starving
You: that's good you do that
Stranger: And drink my own piss
Ook ben ik even op geweest. Was me daar een joint aan het draaien, de cam op gericht hoe ik aan t draaien was. Echt bij iedereen zag je die gezichten helemaal kijken van WTF haha. En 1tje liet zijn zakje wiet ook zien haha. Of een klein gesprekje over het gebruik van drugs, was echt lache!