Re: Auto Files
18-20. Lowryder-Mix:
Lowryder Dwarf Mix seeds are perfect for all auto-flowering Lowryder fans who wish for a bit more variety in their garden. Original Lowryder genetics have produced ruderalis hybrids with Brazilian Santa Maria and Afghani Mazar genetics. This mix features some of the latest of the Joint Doctor's breeding experiments. All of the varieties in Dwarf Mix will auto-flower at the end of week 3 or during the next 7 days and will be ready to harvest before the end of week 9. You will enjoy the variety of flavours and effects with this unique cannabis seeds selection. Flowering takes 9 weeks maximum start to finish and harvesing several crops a year is possible outdoors depending on location.

update 1--> geplant op 21/01/2010 : Rhizotonic bijgevoegd bij water en afgezuurd op 5.8

update 2--> 12/02/2010 : water + A en B voeding canna afgezuurd op 5.8 en EC 0.9

18-20. Lowryder-Mix:
Lowryder Dwarf Mix seeds are perfect for all auto-flowering Lowryder fans who wish for a bit more variety in their garden. Original Lowryder genetics have produced ruderalis hybrids with Brazilian Santa Maria and Afghani Mazar genetics. This mix features some of the latest of the Joint Doctor's breeding experiments. All of the varieties in Dwarf Mix will auto-flower at the end of week 3 or during the next 7 days and will be ready to harvest before the end of week 9. You will enjoy the variety of flavours and effects with this unique cannabis seeds selection. Flowering takes 9 weeks maximum start to finish and harvesing several crops a year is possible outdoors depending on location.

update 1--> geplant op 21/01/2010 : Rhizotonic bijgevoegd bij water en afgezuurd op 5.8
update 2--> 12/02/2010 : water + A en B voeding canna afgezuurd op 5.8 en EC 0.9