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'kweektent' or renovating a room

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    'kweektent' or renovating a room

    Korting op 420shop
    Hello..What is 'better'..renovating a whole room for growing or buying a 'kweektent'?
    read from the forum and internet renovating a room has been known as better for the this right?

    What is cheaper?

    my goal is to grow about 30-60 plants
    I want to use 600Watt bulbs (which one are 'the best and last the longest)?

    I live in Eindhoven and have a house with a big attic where I can put some tents or renovate totally. the electricity is in the monthly rent so we are not worried about that...but how can you cover the upgreasing electricity bill ? by buying a solarium for example?

    I was calculating that I can put about 8-12 plants under one 600Watt lamp per m2.

    one thing to mention...the attic sealing 'loopt schuin af' in the middle...
    Last edited by JohnathanDoe; 30 May 2009, 19:50. Reden: editing

    Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

    Hello JohnathanDoe,

    Please note the people on this forum are growing recreational and for a hobby. In the forum rules you can read (although in Dutch) it's not allowed to grow for commercial purposes or ask for illegal activities like clones, sell or buy weed or seeds.

    To answer your question, if you have the space I would create my own growroom instead of a tent. You can adjust your room to the space you have, which is hard to do with a tent.

    I myself use a Philips bulb pia son-t plus, it will last about 3 - 4 crops. After the first crop it's still usable, but the light will go weaker the longer it is used, the crops will be smaller.

    Depending on the amount of lamps you are going to use, the powercompany will notice the increase of powerusage, or not. If you use only 1 lamp, they will not notice it. If you use 10, they do.

    You will need a height of about 2 metres.
    Een dag zonder wiet kent Flip niet.


      Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

      Hi Flip..thanx for noticing. I edited my questioning. I thought about using 4, 600 Watt bulbs in the beginning...will be enough I guess.

      Do you know the 'rules' how to grow cannabis legally?(for disseases or illness?) how many plants are you allowed to grow for yourself?


        Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

        hi johnathandoe,
        in belgium are 2 plants legal,in the netherlands is that also 2 i guess?....


          Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

          There is no option of Legal growing when you start using any form of "artificial" lightsource. I dont know the exact numbers, but i believe you are allowed 5 (female) plants per household WITHOUT any lights...

          The policy on growing plants is a complete riddle to all, including the politicians and police, if you want to grow 30/60 plants, you are most likely considered a commercial grower and will get one hell of a fine and possible a lawsuit....
          Last edited by Mr_3ppozz; 3 June 2009, 20:36.
          Kruimel um, draai um, steek um op en paas um door.


            Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

            Wordt aardig dampen , 60 planten


              Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

              Renovating ! defenetly if i had the space
              I would not take so many lamps
              Is it for you own use?
              how mutch do you smoke a month ?


                Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

                60 plants only for you?
                God was never on your side..


                  Re: 'kweektent' or renovating a room

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