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SOG experiment

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    SOG experiment

    Korting op 420shop

    IK zou graag eens SOG proberen op een deense bodem van 110x110

    kan ik hier uit zaad 16 planten zetten? vanaf kopje boven eerst 10 dagen op 18 uur licht, dan naar 12 uur

    kan ik hiervoor potten van 3.7 liter gebruiken of beter met cocos slabs werken?

    strain is 70% indica en 30% sativa , super critical

    ik gebruik automatisch watergifte systeem...


    Bij sog houd je met kleine potten de planten klein, zodat je ze strak tegen elkaar kan zetten en zo een zee van toppen creëert.
    Als jij daar cocos in doet heeft niemand daar een probleem mee.


      Moet wel kunnen, maar slabs vind ik minder als je van onder watert, zou dan sowieso het plastic er helemaal van afhalen.
      Horks Fototopic 2.0


        en moet ik dan de onderste nodes verwijderen?of enkel als ze door de volgegroeide canopy willen groeien?


          dit is wat AI Grok zegt:
          if i want to grow 16 cannabis plants on 16 square feet indoor on coco coir, using the sea of green method, what container size for the plants should I choose?
          When employing the Sea of Green (SOG) method for growing cannabis, the goal is to fit many small plants close together to create a dense canopy of flowers quickly. Here's how container size should be adjusted for your setup:
          • Space per Plant: With 16 plants in 16 square feet, you have about 1 square foot per plant, which is quite tight for SOG.
          • Container Size for SOG:
            • Small Containers: The SOG method typically uses smaller containers because you're focusing on many small plants rather than fewer large ones. Containers in the range of 1 to 2 gallons are commonly used:
              • 1-Gallon Containers: These are ideal for SOG as they allow for quick flowering, keeping plants small and the canopy consistent. They fit well in a 1x1 foot space, providing just enough root space for the short vegetative period and flowering phase typical of SOG setups.
              • 2-Gallon Containers: These offer a smidge more room for root growth, potentially leading to slightly larger yields per plant, but they might be a bit tight in your space if you're aiming for maximum density.

          Recommendation for Your Setup:
          • 1-Gallon Containers: Given your constraints and the SOG method's principles, 1-gallon containers would be the most suitable choice. Here's why:
            • Space Efficiency: They fit within your per-plant space allocation, allowing for close planting without overcrowding the roots too much.
            • Quick Turnaround: SOG is about quick cycles; smaller containers mean less veg time and quicker transition to flowering.
            • Resource Management: Less medium (coco coir) per plant means easier management of water, nutrients, and pH.

          Additional Considerations:
          • Plant Height: Since you'll be aiming for a short veg cycle, control plant height with light management or training techniques like topping once to encourage bushing out rather than growing tall.
          • Light: Ensure your lighting is strong enough to penetrate and support the dense canopy. LED grow lights with good coverage are ideal here.
          • Watering and Nutrients: With coco coir, you'll need to water and feed more frequently due to its drainage properties. Monitor pH closely as it can change quickly in smaller volumes of substrate.
          • Air Circulation: Even more critical in SOG setups; good air movement will prevent mold and promote healthy growth.

          By using 1-gallon containers, you'll maximize the efficiency of your space while adhering to the SOG method's core idea of numerous small plants for a rapid, high-density harvest.​


            Klopt het dat ze sneller gaan haartjes krijgen in een 3.7 liter pot dan in een 4.6 liter pot, na ze op beiden op 12 uur te zetten?


            • Babz
              Babz commented
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              Naar mijn weten is het zo dat wanneer de wortels geen ruimte hebben om verder te groeien dat het plantje zich boven de grond verder ontwikkeld, dus eerder zal gaan bloeien dan wanneer de wortels wel kunnen doorgroeien.