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Planning a roadtrip through Europe

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    Buitenland: Planning a roadtrip through Europe

    Korting op 420shop
    Hello everyone,

    We 're planning a roadtrip to Europe, maybe we will visit the Netherlands but we have some questions about the green stuff.
    We've heard on the news about new regulations, but it's difficult to find up-to-date information.

    Can someone explain if it's still possible to buy as a foreigner (in or near Amsterdam)?
    Please no answers there's a lot in the street,... We want to buy in a shop.
    No dealers with in the one pocket hard drugs and in the other grass, the idea scares me off.

    What about traces in your clothes (smoke odor) or even traces in your urine (by using it the day before or so) and passing the border isn't clear (no unused grass/seeds,... with you)?

    Thank you.

    Re: Planning a roadtrip through Europe

    First: traces wont be a problem unless you travel outside of the EU. Inside the EU no one cares what you've done in other countries as long as you keep it there and do not take anything with you. The US border is completely different, they check for traces and all that. You didn't say where you're from, so I guess that we can't help you any further with any border stuff.

    Second; every provence of the NL, and their gemeenten, decide for themselves if they serve to foreigners. This is the case is Amsterdam, Arnhem, Nijmegen and almost every big city. They too, see streetdealing as a problem and decided to disobey our minister of bullshit mr. Opstelten.

    Don't try anything stupid and have a great one! Cheers.
    Een wijs man zei ooit: Als je iets niet kunt vinden over wiet kweken, dan wil je het blijkbaar niet graag genoeg weten.
    Rommeltopic. Buiten2016. Buiten2015. Buiten2014.

