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Cruising as YEEWWWW! Built by Diego Cristofano and his mad team somewhere in Uruguay. ...
Braindead is the third single from the new Dune Rats album 'The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit' In All Good Music Stores Now! Get the album now...
Look deeper in the "about" section to learn more about Tryptology and the Intentions within. You can find me on Soundcloud, Mixcloud and other social network...
Dit nummer vliegt alle kanten op! Wordt nog steeds beter na elke luisterbeurt. Geweldige overgangen, vreemde tempo's, lekker gejaagd... waanzinnige zang!!
"Alles gaat goed, en anders doe ik wel alsof" - Takketoelli
"Wat er ook gebeurt, altijd blijven lachen" - Bassie
"Ajeto" - Buurman en Buurman
Follow me on twitter:!/tomba1997 Suggest me what song should i upload next!(ON TWITTER) Lyrics: Hey ho, lets go hey ho, lets go hey ho, ...
Chase is an electronic instrumental by Giorgio Moroder from the Academy Award-winning soundtrack and album Midnight Express (1978), then extended and release...