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Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

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    Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

    Het is te geloven tot een bepaald punt, maar iets klopt niet aan deze wereld, dat is zeker..
    Ik ben nooit sarcastisch..


      Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

      Zodra je er meer over opzoekt valt er niets meer te geloven. Net zoals de underwear Bomber die aanleiding is geweest om de body scanner te implementeren.

      Gewoon niet meewerken aan de vingerafdrukken in je paspoort, de wietpas, body scanners en de hysterie om veiligheid en terrorisme heen.
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        Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

        420Shop, Online Headshop, Seedshop, Cannabis Souvenirs & Lifestyle
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          Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

          deze tijdje terug al gezien. Maar het geeft je wel te denken.


            Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

            Ja oke , zet jouw hart en mind open zonder vooroordelen en je zult wel de waarheid zien , de leugens en de realiteit. let op van de illuminati.


              Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!



                Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                a.s 15 januari nieuwe film beschikbaar van de Zeitgeist club > gratis beschikbaar via google-video en vele andere media.

                Paranoia of niet, wel een leuk avondvullend programma
                Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


                  Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                  Mooi Mooi, als iemand hem wil posten voor dat ik hem gevonde heb, is dat prima.

                  Zou die schutter in de USA, deel 1 ook hebben gezien?



                    Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                    Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Poffertjesporem View Post
                    Zou die schutter in de USA, deel 1 ook hebben gezien?
                    Ik denk eerder dat die gast geen borstvoeding en liefde heeft gehad, maar dat is speculeren
                    Veel gestelde vragen over het forum

                    JOINTJEDRAAIEN.NL - Smoking Community
                    420Shop.NL - Headshop / Seedshop : Korting voor leden van


                      Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                      mm, denk eerder dat 'tie zich dan wel had ingehouden en die ene hersencel had gebruikt voor nuttiger zaken. Als je ook maar iets begrijpt van massamanipulatie weet je toch dat alles in het voordeel gedraaid kan worden van degene die er het meest voor over heeft / wiens zakken het diepst zijn.
                      Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


                        Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                        It has come to my attention that various mainstream news organizations are
                        beginning to run an association between my 2007 performance piece/film,

                        troubled young man in Tucson, Arizona. They are also slowly beginning to
                        bleed the obvious line between my 2007 documentary work, my film series as
                        a whole and The Zeitgeist Movement, which I am the founder. Frankly, I find
                        this isolating, growing association tremendously irresponsible on the part
                        of ABC, NBC and their affiliates - further reflecting the disingenuous
                        nature of the America Media Establishment today.

                        It appears to have begun with a comment on NBC news referencing my film

                        "Zeitgeist: The Movie" and the Series itself, stating:

                        possible influence on the man.
                        The series rails on currency-based economics.
                        "I really think that this 'Zeitgeist' documentary had a profound impact on
                        Jared's mindset and how he viewed that world that he lives in," Osler

                        Let it be known that the former friend of Loughner, Zack Osler, who states the association on camera, is noted to have been out of contact with Loughner for two years. Yes, two years. So, the lack of integrity of ABC's reporting - to amplify a comment by a person who had not even been in contact with Loughner for such a long period of time - is truly poor, manipulative journalism. ABC goes on to imply that my film work was somehow an inspiration in real time even though, again, this testimony is based on interactions occurring two years prior. Needless to say, the disposition for such a horrible act of violence by anyone simply cannot be accurately assumed by behavior from 2 years prior, regardless.

                        When we reflect on the history of seemingly random violence or other forms
                        of highly offensive, irrational, aberrant behavior, we see a common pattern
                        of reaction from the public and media in their attempt to explain such
                        extreme acts. Rather than deeply examining the Bio-Psycho-Social nature of
                        human social development and the vast spectrum of influences that create
                        and morph each of us in unique and sometimes detrimental ways, they take
                        the easy way out. The first thing they do is simply ignore all modern
                        scientific, social understandings of what generates human motivation in
                        both positive and negative regard, for to do so can only call into question

                        spirit/intellectual climate of the time/culture) at large.

                        Generally speaking, it is historically accurate to say that the Mainstream
                        Media simply isn't in the business of challenging the Status Quo. The
                        limits of debate are firmly set. Virtually all ideas, persons or groups who
                        have succeeded in changing the world for the better, later to be hailed as
                        heros in the public mind, started out being condemned by those in the
                        Mainstream Media who latch on to the dominant world view of the time. Even
                        Martin Luther King Jr., a peaceful, loving, wonder of a man who contributed
                        more to our social progress than likely any humanitarian in the US history,

                        he even had to defend in front of a Congressional Committee. In fact, you
                        can rest assured that if King were alive in the current paradigm today and
                        seeking an equal form of justice - he would be given the name:

                        So, again, rather than taking the scientific view, the Mainstream Media
                        often seeks out or implies one point of blame and runs with it. After all,
                        it is much easier, presentable and more simplistic for the public to think
                        that the troubling reality of seemingly random acts of mass murder is the

                        one influence is removed, then the world will be back in balance. This
                        gives the public a false resolve and position of focus in an otherwise
                        ambiguous, complex world of social and biologic influences. And as far as
                        the scapegoat itself, very often any group, media or dataset that is
                        counter-culture or even hints at wishing to challenge the status quo, is a
                        magnet for such blame.

                        For example, musical groups of a counter-culture nature have been a
                        favorite scapegoat for acts of murder/violence historically. In 1990, the

                        the self-inflicted gunshot wounds in 1985 of 20-year old James Vance and
                        18-year old Raymond Belknap in Reno, Nevada. In 2008, the band Slipknot was
                        publicly tied/blamed to a high-school murder in South Africa. Even the

                        Charles Manson. It goes on and on... and, frankly, it's simply pathetic -
                        avoiding the true nature of the problem - which is the Socio-Economic
                        Environment itself.

                        Make no mistake: The Social System is to blame for the rampage of Jared

                        viewed documentary of all time in internet history. Are the other 200
                        million people who have seen the film also preparing for murder sprees? I
                        think not.

                        In my new film: "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward", I feature a prominent Harvard
                        Criminal Psychologist by the name of Dr. James Gilligan who headed the
                        Centre for the Study of Violence at Harvard Medical School for many years.
                        In his life work of personally engaging with the most dangerous, violent
                        offenders the US system produces, he found some basic trends. The most

                        inherently breeds social division and there is a natural demeaning of
                        others generated as a result. It is a scientific fact that mass murderers

                        years of being shamed, humiliated and demeaned. Their acts of violence is a
                        reaction from these highly oppressive feelings and the real resolve to such
                        acts can only come from removing the real source of such emotional hurt.
                        You will notice that most other countries don't come close to the level of
                        violence we see in the United States. The US is the capital of violence
                        with 30-300 times more acts of violence than any other country. We have
                        produced more serial killers in America than all other countries combined.
                        Why? You will notice the Mainstream never asks this question.

                        If anyone would like to understand why more and more people in the modern
                        world end up like Jared Loughner and why these patterns are only going to

                        by Harvard Criminal Psychologist Dr. Gilligan.

                        In conclusion, let it be stated that the Zeitgeist Film Series is about
                        critical thought regarding various social issues which challenge many
                        erroneous notions held as fact in the modern culture. It also explicitly
                        promotes non-violence, human unity and prosperous human development based
                        on truth and science.

                        Anyone who wishes to really understand the works can view them for free
                        online at and my new film, which will detail how a new,
                        humane social system can work, will be 315 theaters in 60 countries and 30
                        language starting Jan 15th 2011.

                        -Peter Joseph

                        Heb gister ff zeitgeist addendum gekeken, was weer frustrerend om te zien.
                        Iemand al een werkende link van het laatste deel?



                          Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                          die Peter jozeph maakt mooie films, en 't zal als ik deze reactie zo doorscan ook wel een aardige blower zijn...
                          Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


                            Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                            denk niet dat hij blowt, maar ben wel blij dat jullie hier ook mee bezig zijn.
                            is goed om te zien dat mensen internet toch nog voor iets nuttig gebruiken.

                            we moeten blijven zoeken achter antwoorden die we verdienen, dit is ons land waar we in leven
                            en het land is niet onder leiding van de banken of bedrijven, maar van de inwoners die op het land leven.
                            Ik kan jullie verzekeren dat er een betere manier van leven mogelijk is want zo kan het gewoonweg niet meer verder blijven gaan.

                            Venus Project For The Win


                              Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                              Aight ben benieuwd maak er ff nieuwe topic over aan als die nieuwe online staat, maar ik heb begrepen dat heelveel zeitgeist statements onderuit zijn gehaald, en er veel niet klopt, maar ik vond t gewoon dope! En ook al kloppen er dingen Miss niet dat is bij reguliere media niet anders, zet mensen iig aan t denken...


                                Re: Zeitgeist, manipulatie op grote schaal!

                                Deel 3:

                                S.V.P: Met zo veel mogenlijk mensen delen.

                                En als je het nu nog niet snapt, zucht......


