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What in the world are they spraying?

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    What in the world are they spraying?

    Korting op 420shop
    What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails)

    Alluminium, Barium en Strontium. Maar waarom?

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    JOINTJEDRAAIEN.NL - Smoking Community
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    Re: What in the world are they spraying?

    Voor wie meer wil weten over chemtrails...




        Re: What in the world are they spraying?

        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
        Veel gestelde vragen over het forum

        JOINTJEDRAAIEN.NL - Smoking Community
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          Re: What in the world are they spraying?

          aaaaah sounds good thanx for de linkjes


            Re: What in the world are they spraying?

            En als je je ernstig zorgen maakt nadat je alles hebt gelezen, kwam toevallig deze petitie tegen: stop chemtrails nu!


              Re: What in the world are they spraying?

              ze sprayen niet elke dag en ook niet elke week, maar 1 keer pe rmaand zeker. ik zag laatst zelfs grote cirkels boven Utrecht die uren blevne hangen.
              weetje, wath ever ze in de lucht spuiten. ik trek t niet. zomers wil ik gewoon me heldere blauwe lucht terug, en niet vna die grauwe sluiers.

              dat het met haarp te maken heeft. sja ik las t ook. en wat Haarp is. sjaman.

              ennu bouwen ze overal van die Telsa conductors .

              Sommige zien er uit als kerktorens. ongelofelijk. maar wel handig, dat ongelofelijke stukje...e

              maareuh sinds 1996 zijn ze bezig toch, daarvoor waren er nog geen chemtrails, of voor de nonbeliefers onderons, toen waren vliegtuigen nog schoner dan nu. de uitstoot bleef toen maar enkele minuten hangen en niet uren tot zelfs dagen. Dus sommige vliegtuigen na 1996 hebben ander brandstof, motoren of.....
              Un avión lanza un chorro de vapor que sale enormemente de lo común. puede ser vapor, pero también puuede ser el Polvo del Diablo, una solución que contiene m...

              Chemtrail plane video taped at Arnold Palmer airport in Latrobe PA.Have any doubts ? Youtube this video Monarch : The New Phoenix Program .

              ja dat waren nog eens tijden. blauwe heldere lucht enzo...

              It is my belief that one of the purposes of chemtrails is to enhance EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) and HPM (high-powered pulsed microwaves) and thus greater instill mass mind-control, perpetrated by the American/Canadian/German intelligence and millitary. Mind-control experimentations have been on-going for at least 65 years, back to the pre-Nazi war days and after when 3000 diabolical geniuses were ushered out of Germany and welcomed with open arms to the home of the free to further experiement in the land of the brave while God saves the Queen and man sanctions Dr. Strughold and his friends.

              Mind-control is at the hub of every twist in the trail, and to instill fear and to control the triggers of the human mind will always be priority numero uno for TPTB. The child's mind has been mapped, the operation of the day it was, to plot the growth and development then functionally mess with this knowledge thereby increasing the effectiveness of mass mind-control. In the *future* agenda *offensive* microwave weapons and mind-control hold hands while crimes against humanituy march on in the *homeland*.
              The control of the brain's chemistry is important in mind-control. LSD is a good example of the chemical aspect of mind-control experiments. The control of the brain's chemistry ultimately controls the brain's neurotransmitters. Control of the neurotransmitters controls the thought process of the brain which then in turn controls the human.

              How can one curtail the effects of mind-control? The naturopathic medicine way...
              One herb of significant value is cannabis, or better known as marijuana, which has proven medical applications in several fields including cancer and AIDS, both of which are caused by frequency radiation (FR). The following material related to cannabis is found in the Synopsis of Psychiatry ~ Behavioral Sciences Clinical Psychiatry ~ The cannibis plant contains more than 400 chemicals of which approximately 60 are chemically related to tetrahydrocannaboil or Delta 9 THC. The human brain has a natural cannabinoid receptor commonly referred to as the THC receptor. In humans THC is quickly converted into 11-hydro-delta 9THC, the metabolite that is active in the central nervous system.
              The cannabinoid receptor is a member of the G protein-linked family of receptors. The receptor is linked to the inhibitory G protein which is linked to adenylyl cyclase in an inhibitory way. G proteins are a family of guanosine triphosate (GTP) binding proteins with similar structures. The receptor is found in the highest concentrations is the basal gaglia, the hippocampus and the cerebellum. GTP is interconvertable with guanosine diphosate (GDP). The G proteins consist of three smaller proteins (p1, p2, p3).
              The GTP associated with p1 is the active fragment involved in activating or inhibiting a certain effector molecule (example being adenylyl cyclase, an ion channel). Because p1 itself contains the ability to convert GTP to GDP, the activity of the GTP associated p1 is stopped when the GTP is converted to GDP. The conversion of GTP to GDP permits the reassociation of p1 with p2 and p3. P1 is further broken down into 3 subunits (1a, 1b, 1c). Subunit 1a is associated with the stimulation of adenyly cyclase activity. Subunit 1b with the inhibition of adenyly activity. Subunit 1c with the stimulation of the phosphoinostol second-messenger system.

              What all of this means, according to some medical professionals, is that stimulation of the cannabinoid receptor may reduce the human brain's susceptibility to external frequencies that are currently being used in frequency mind-control experiements and/or weapons testing. Although this medical opinion is controversial and not supported by any known research material involving the combination of THC and spectrum frequencies (SF), and evidence identifying mind control experimentation is extremely difficult to obtain, and obtaining any reports thay may exist on a THC/SF factor is virtually impossible, one point to remember which supports this medical opinion is the fact that the human brain has a cannabinoid (THC) receptor and marijuana is the only plant that produces THC, therefore the receptor has a functioning purpose related to THC ingestion that either has not been considered or is being withheld.


              maareuh zekers de weten door blowen, it may safe your life...
              Last edited by Jointjedraaien; 27 August 2014, 15:07.


                Re: What in the world are they spraying?


                  Re: What in the world are they spraying?

                  Nou, naar de schuur dan maar weer.
                  Iedereen een "chembuster" bouwen en in de tuin zetten.
                  ~ 2011-12 ~ 2012-13 ~ 2017 ~ 2019 ~ 2020 ~ BuitenQweeksels ~


                    We nemen dit toch niet echt serieus, he?


                      Re: What in the world are they spraying?

                      Dit is wat ze willen dat je het niet serieus neemt , wakker komen mensen.

