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Juicing cannabis miraculously saves lives after physicians declare the battle lost

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    Juicing cannabis miraculously saves lives after physicians declare the battle lost

    Korting op 420shop

    Meet Amber

    At two years old, she was diagnosed with terminal brain tumours. Her mother was told that with treatment, Amber had a 10 percentchance of survival. After surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the tumours were still spreading. Her parents were advised to take their child home, make her comfortable, and prepare for the inevitable. A month later, her parents reported a startling change. The tumours had decreased in size and number. The family had been juicing cannabis leaves and feeding their baby a few ounces of the juice each day.

    Up in smoke

    A typical first reaction is to associate marijuana consumption with its psychoactive effects. However, THC only becomes psychoactive when heated, like when traditionally smoked or cooked. When used raw, cannabis isn't psychoactive. The marijuana's abilities as a painkiller are generally perceived to be the result of its psychoactivity - so much so that the intensity of a plant's psychoactive effects is often used as a gauge of its medical potency. Contrary to intuition, this isn't true! The medical properties of marijuana are actually destroyed when heated or aged, as it becomes psychoactive. Heating converts 600mg of non-psychoactive THC acid into 10mg of psychoactive THC. Here's where the exchange for medical effects occurs. While the 10mg retain some medicinal effects, there is only a fraction of the THC left. In simplified terms, in the raw plant, THC acid isn't psychoactive, but acts as a very powerful medicine, up to 400 times more powerful than when smoked.

    Healthful communication

    Scientific American, in 2004, published an article called "The Brain's Own Marijuana", in which they asserted that the brain releases chemicals that are structurally and functionally similar to cannabinoids - the reactive property in marijuana. THC is the cannabinoid that people are most familiar with, but this is only one of 80. In normal synaptic nerve function, the signals are uni-directional, and the receiver forwards the signal, but never notifies the sender that the message has been received. Cannabinoids maintain communication with the original transmitter so that it is aware that the message has been received and is being worked on. For example, if a neuron sends a pain signal, normally it would just keep sending the message until the message becomes false. The cannabinoids turn every cell into a manager with increased oversight.<a href="" target="_blank">

    Last edited by Grumble Eef; 23 June 2012, 01:00.
    Kan het zijn dat we dezelfde liefde delen?

    Re: Juicing cannabis miraculously saves lives after physicians declare the battle lost

    Soms gebeuren er rare dingen, maar ik kan je garanderen dat wanneer je een hersentumor hebt en ipv straling chemo en chirurgie cannabis bladeren gaat vreten je dood gaat.


      Re: Juicing cannabis miraculously saves lives after physicians declare the battle lost

      Bladeren eten gaat snel vervelen, vrees ik. Maar als je het sap eruit perst dan krijg je er meer van binnen, en hoe meer, hoe beter!
      Of het zo effectief is tegen kanker, zal de toekomst moeten uitwijzen, maar het staat als een paal boven water dat het een medcijn is
      dat pijn verlicht en je beter en sterker doet voelen. Rauwe cannabis is niet psycho-actief, dus dat is toch al een obstakel minder voor velen om het
      ook overdag te gebruiken als medicijn. (Btw, de artikels zijn louter informatief bedoeld, ik ben geen arts dus als je cannabis wil uitproberen bespreek je dit best met je arts of oncoloog)

      Kan het zijn dat we dezelfde liefde delen?

