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Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

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    Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

    Korting op 420shop
    do you know where to buy dutch outdoor weed in coffeeshops in Limburg? rarely seen some in maastricht over the last 10 years.
    Im searching for, because I want stop smoking cigarettes by smoking pure joints, and indoor weet is to strong for me
    sorry that I dont speak Dutch

    Re: Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

    I don't usually go to shops in Limburg, but there's something I can tell about this; Most coffeeshops don't say to their customers that their weed is grown outside. That's because customers (like you) think that 'outdoor weed' is worse than indoor. Well, it's true that the outdoor weed isn't that strong as most of the indoor grown weed sorts. But there are also some sorts of weed which are grown indoor but still aren't too heavy to smoke pure. Unfortunately I don't know these sorts by name, but I'm sure some of the english speaking members in this forum know some 'low THC' sorts. And I've got a tip for you; in coffeeshops where they always sell weed of good quality, the cheapest weed is mostly a 'soft' weed. (But, be aware that you need to be in a 'quality coffeeshop' for that, in other coffeeshop they will sell you rubish if you choose the cheapest weed).
    [B][URL=""][COLOR=#008000][B]420Shop.NL: uw head- & seedshop!


      Re: Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

      thanks for your answer Weedy

      I never said that "outdoor weed" is worse than indoor, I just meant that it isn't so strong and that's exactly what I'm looking for, because haven't smoked since 1 years now.
      One of my favorite strains is HK (outdoor) from yo-yo in Amsterdam
      The problem in maastricht (I went there for 20 years) is that it's too much touristy and when you buy cheap weed you get random quality.

      And when the quality is good, it's to strong for what I need it. I know the budtender from maxis in Maastricht who work there since I have been there the 1st time when they still sold kg's, he always suggest me "cheap" good quality weed (like santa maria or nlx) but it's to strong to replace cigarettes


        Re: Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

        It's true that Santa Maria is quite strong, in my opinion it's (much) stronger than NLX. It's sad that I can't help you with sorts that aren't too strong for smoking pure; but I'm sure some of the members here know some soft kinds.

        "Wie kan onze engelstalige cannabis vriend helpen met een soortje dat hij ook Puur kan roken? Hij wilt graag een naam weten en nog beter een coffeeshop in Limburg waar ze deze wiet verkopen. Deze wiet moet niet te sterk zijn dus, daarom vraagt hij naar coffeeshops die buitengeteelde wiet verkopen".

        Let's hope someone will react. I've got another tip for you. Here in this thread; the members call names of weed which are 'veradelijk' (treacherous) either very strong. Don't buy one of these for sure
        [B][URL=""][COLOR=#008000][B]420Shop.NL: uw head- & seedshop!


          Re: Outdoor weed in Coffeeshops

          thanks again

