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Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

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    Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

    Korting op 420shop
    So I have been visiting shops in Kerkrade (down under, quiam), and Heerlen (the new capricorn) for 10 years and was always quite satisfied.

    But the last times I went there, the quality had decreased substantially and I was utterly disappointed.

    So here's my question to you:

    Which sorts of weed/hash would you buy if you wanna assure that you
    get REALLY high / stoned /psychedeliced? (including Maastricht)

    (new capricorn not possible due to "door-man issues")
    but Relax/skunk would be)

    It's not like I have been smoking too much lately, quite the opposite, weeks and months of non-smoking and waiting for the next time... just to get disappointed seriously.

    never had these kinds of problems the last 10 years when I was going to the affore-mentioned shops...???

    Santa Maria 10€ was always my favourite in the down under but suddenly even this decreased in quality dramatically...

    stuff I tried lately were

    Amnesia Haze 14€ down under (despite being fresh, very little effect compared HY-PRO Amnesia from the Kosbor in Maastricht),
    Poison 11€, Santa Maria 10 € (had been great for years but poor quality lately), AK-47 10 €, Blueberry 10€ (both pretty ridiculous effect), all down under.
    Warlock 10€ Capricorn ( waste of time ),
    White Widdow quiam ( probably the worst I ever smoked). pollen, zero quiam ( high amount of Henna )

    And it's not like they don't know me in these shops and give me third or fourth choice...

    Thanks in advance and have a good chill

    ps: sorry for not writing in dutch but my skills are rather limited in this department...
    Last edited by flip mo; 13 October 2011, 03:13.

    Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

    Zelf kweken dus


      Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

      als u niet op aan risico let die enkele jaren gevangen gezet worden...
      zij nemen de gehele plants met inbegrip van doorbladeren en de niet werkzame delen wegen het en bepalen dan uw straf door dat gewicht!


        Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

        Misschien woon je op de verkeerde plek, of ken je niet genoeg mensen.

        Grtz, HJM




            Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

            daarom zet ik zo veel licht op mn wiet > is 'tie niet zo zwaar

            This is not a marketforum dude, plenty of other sites where you might find that
            Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


              Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

              Don't think I'm very off-topic here. The purpose of this forum seems to be inform people about coffee shops in Limburg and where you can get good stuff? so what has this to do with a marketforum?


                Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door flip mo View Post
                Don't think I'm very off-topic here. The purpose of this forum seems to be inform people about coffee shops in Limburg and where you can get good stuff? so what has this to do with a marketforum?
                (I think moreweed thinks ur trying to buy from this forum)

                I would try Maastricht, they currently only refusing to let French people enter their shops.
                I live in Maastricht so I don't know any other coffeeshops. I would try the Northern Lights from the Black widow on the Bosscherweg.
                Maybe you could try hash. (oh sorry, didn't see that a trainticket to Maastricht would be to expensive)
                You should look for Northern Lights or Super Silver Haze. Maybe take a trip to Amsterdam for a change.


                  Last edited by nowv; 11 October 2011, 13:26.


                    Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                    thanks for the replies so far. appreciated.

                    to homegrown: I've found a way to get to Maastricht, but that would cost me about 12 EUR extra. are you 100% sure that I can get in the shops as a German? Don't want to go there for nothing...

                    it is a tough decision, as I will only have approximately 100 EUR for the whole trip whereas the ticket to Aachen cost 40 EUR, spending 12 EUR extra is hard, while I could get 1-2 g's more without that in the down under or quiam but the chance is higher the quality is worse...

                    and how much is northern lights in black widdow? and how long do you walk from Maastricht Main Station to the black widdow? I only have about 2 hours to spend in Maastricht until the last train departs to get me home on the same day.

                    All this mess and reflections just to get some acceptable smoke...

                    to nowv:

                    unfortunately, appeldoorn is way too far, the trip there would cost me the whole budget for the trip...

                    to all users:

                    which shop is selling correct amounts of great stuff for a reasonable price? I can only buy about 4 grammes and it would be hard if it would be 2.6 grammes in the end as they cheated me... Kosbor and Black Widdow seem to be the favourites at the moment.
                    Last edited by flip mo; 11 October 2011, 15:00.


                      Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                      Coffeeshops gaan bezoekers tellen

                      Bij verschillende coffeeshops in Maastricht wordt vanaf maandag een week lang het aantal bezoekers geteld, meldt L1.
                      Met deze meting willen de coffeeshops achterhalen hoeveel bezoekers er weg blijven sinds de invoering van het buurlandcriterium op 1 oktober. Dat wil zeggen dat Belgen en Duitsers wel nog worden toegelaten in de coffeeshops, maar de vele bezoekers uit voornamelijk Frankrijk niet meer. In september, toen alle buitenlandse drugstoeristen wel nog welkom waren in de Maastrichtse coffeeshops, is een soortgelijke meting uitgevoerd. De onderzoeksresultaten worden eind oktober gepresenteerd aan de gemeenteraad.


                      google translation:
                      At different coffee shops in Maastricht starting Monday the number of visitors counted for a week, reports L1.
                      With this measurement to the coffee shops will know how many visitors have stayed away since the adoption of the neighborcountry criterion on October 1. That is, Belgians and Germans will still be allowed in the coffee shops, but the many visitors, mainly from France, no more. In September, when all foreign drug tourists still welcome in the Maastricht coffee shops, a similar measurement performed. The research results are presented to the council in late October.

                      je leest 't in...Regular magazine

                      Ook op facebook
                      Last edited by dokkie; 20 October 2011, 11:34.


                        Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                        Cool Runnings is also a good shop , prices start at €10
                        for the moment they have mexican haze , the A-5 sold out and has been replaced by el diablo
                        those cost all €14 euro ,
                        happy brother €10 is a good stoner
                        this link helps u to find them


                          Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                          cheers for the info, mates.

                          but what about awesome hash in Maastricht? any shop that offers Ice-Hash i.e Ice-o-lator or Cream?
                          Last edited by flip mo; 11 October 2011, 21:48.


                            Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                            I hate to be a grammarnazi, but it's actually called Ice-O-Lator.
                            I don't know for sure, but your best bet would be the Kosbor or the Heaven69 I think.
                            Keep in mind that Ice-O-Lator is rare so if you want some, you might want to call the specific shop first. (i don't know if they will tell but U can always try.)
                            Just don't come down to Maastricht just for Ice-O-Lator if you're not sure if it's available, because from what I heard, it's pretty rare.

                            EDIT: Sorry for the Ice-O-Lator thing, somehow it showed up on my phone as if you said aisolator


                              Re: Hoog-Potent en intens Weed/Hash

                              thx homey for posting.

                              btw, I have a new idea:

                              I just go to several shops and ask if they could give me stuff for 5 Euro. This way I can check out many sorts. Plus they might also think I'm a poor guy and give me some more than only for 5 Euro! As it is difficult to calculate, they could think, let's give this nice guy half a gram.

                              Do you think they will agree do it? And will it work out that way or do I end up with less stuff than for 5 Euro?

                              Any shops that have their stuff pre-weighed and not weighed after you ordered so that the 5 Euro thing won't work?
                              Last edited by flip mo; 13 October 2011, 03:26.

