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yellow leaves that curl round?

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    yellow leaves that curl round?

    Korting op 420shop
    can anyone tell me why some of my leaves are yellow and curling round to one side? Its only a few and all the plants came from the same place.

    many thanks008.jpg

    Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

    Looks like tabaco mozaik virus


      Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

      what can be done?


        Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

        TMV is a plant virus, mostly common by clones. One pair of sciccors used on many plants is mostly the main reason for infection.
        Some clones have it, some get it at a later stage or even don't get it .....
        You can't get rid off it. Your plant has lesser chlorofyl in the leaves, so it grows not as good as healthy plant.
        Usually you can expect an increase of the amount of weed you get at the end.
        Although you should be able to get a nice harvest even with TMV, so I wouldn't worry too much....

        English site about TMV:
        Last edited by ceBep; 10 August 2011, 21:50.


          Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

          much appreciated, thanks. I'm on my sixth week now and its all looking good!005.jpg


            Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

            As I look at your picture: you have nothing to fear, looking mighty fine


              Re: yellow leaves that curl round?

              not bad for my first time! even if i do say so myselfv



