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Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

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    Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

    Korting op 420shop
    Hey there! i'm new in this forum and i'm new here in the netherlands and i live now near nijmegen.
    I Road to Amsterdam only to get the Jungle Haze o the Green crack haze.
    Now my question is do somebody knows a shop close to nijmegen where i can got some special weed and not that standart amnesia or super silver haze stuff that every shop here has.
    Maybe someone can give me some good tips where to buy because i'm new here and don't know anybody.
    sorry for writing english my dutch is not that good

    thanks and good bye

    Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

    Neither is your English
    Stemma doet het forum, stout 2017

    Stemma doet stout (2016)
    Dark Devil en Punisher#2 in huize Stemma


      Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

      It is good enough for me but I am sorry, I do not know shops in or near Nijmegen as I grow my own weed.
      Houd het leuk met elkaar, dan blijft het leuk voor iedereen!


        Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

        Actually this is a forum for home-growers. I only know something about coffeeshops around Rotterdam. If I could recommend you something I would say: kush or something like cherry bomb. Good luck with finding your way true our home-country!


          Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

          Did you understand 'de toelatingsvoorwaarden' ?
          Stemma doet het forum, stout 2017

          Stemma doet stout (2016)
          Dark Devil en Punisher#2 in huize Stemma


            Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

            If you looking for that kind of genetics you will proberly driving to Amsterdam more often.
            But if you find something that match the two strains you mentioned then give me the adress to.
            With regards
            Happy 420


              Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

              I bought some jungle haze at Boerejongens coffeeshop in the Old West of Amsterdam, a year ago

              Archive of cannabis menus for Boerejongens West coffeeshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands


                Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

                hahaha did you understand de toelatingvoorwaarde gek


                  Re: Jungle Haze / Green Crack where to get

                  Pfew, you'll have a hard time finding something like that. The same goes for Arnhem. There's a list of shops in the forum subsection. You can try all of them and let us know
                  De Kronkel is a favorite for most people from those areas, but I don't like it a single bit. And it's true this is a hobbyist forum, we're used to growing our own and most of us don't go to coffeeshops.
                  Een wijs man zei ooit: Als je iets niet kunt vinden over wiet kweken, dan wil je het blijkbaar niet graag genoeg weten.
                  Rommeltopic. Buiten2016. Buiten2015. Buiten2014.

