Woehoe voor het eerst buitenkweken en meteen een wedstrijdje 
Zojuist 5 Bubblegun zaadjes in een mix van stekgrond en Plagron lightmix gestopt. Gewoon omdat ik dat nog had liggen. Zat te twijfelen om ze direct in de volle grond te zetten maar weet nog niet waar dat het beste kan. Ik mag twee plantjes in de tuin van een goede vriendin zetten
beetje regenwater erover en glasplaatje tegen de vogeltjes en ander ongespuis. Het regent nu een klein beetje. En nu afwachtten, volgende keer eens goed de opties bekijken
3 Afghan in de zwarte potjes, bruine potjes zijn de Bubbleguns.
Hier mogen ze ontkiemen, waar ze uiteindelijk komen te staan weet ik nog niet.
image.jpg Bubblegun Regular Cannabis Seeds (knip en plak van spiffseeds.nl) 55% Indica. Genotype: (Mexican x Columbian x Afghani) x AK. Fantastic fruity aroma and bubblegum flavor. Short and stocky structure. Vigorous growing stage. Fastflowering in 8 weeks. Rockhard, sticky buds. Medicinal painkiller. Rushing, energetic high. Potential THC level high.
Bubblegun has Mexican Sativa, Columbian Gold and Afghani Indica genetics. Originally from Indiana, USA, she was further improved in Holland. We used our AK to improve budstructure and yield. Our bubblegun is an Indica dominant strain with a high THC and CBD level, but with a definitive Sativa high. Bubblegun is compact and stocky and matures in about 8 weeks. She germinates really quickly and will surface in 2 to 3 days. She has tremendous root development, resulting in a thick stalked plant.
She is not too branchy. Both growing and flowering stage are vigorous, so you might need to prune this beauty. Pregrow under 24 hours of light will help keep her short, which is the sensible thing to do if you use the SOG method. Another way to limit height is to top or to fim her (this will create multiple buds) in the growing stage after reaching the third internode. That will limit her height, however does make her more bushy and require her to have more space in between individual plants. She has a great yield from her sticky buds. The buds are hard, compact and resemble somewhat the AK nugs.
Bubblegun has a longlasting, rushing and uplifting high. And her sweet, bubblegum taste have made her a firm favorite among smokers. She is a great painkiller. Medicinal value: headache, back pain, chronic pain, muscular pain and loss of appetite.
Suited for: Interior (I) Exterior zone B/C (E)
Flowering: I) 8-9 weeks E) October
Plant height: I) 0.80-1.00m E) 1.35m+
Yield: I) 400-500 gr/m2 E) 250-400 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: medium
Cannabis seeds like a humidity of around 70% during germination and a temperature of around 20-27 degrees. Preferably use a propagator for easy manipulation of temperature and humidity. Germination starts off in the dark and after hatching the seeds are placed in the light. During the growing stage they should have 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. Cannabis seeds can easily be stored for 2 years in a dark and cooled space without losing much of its germination power.
image.jpg Afghan Regular Cannabis Seeds 100% pure Indica. Genotype: Afghani Kush IBL. Hashish aroma and earthy, fruity flavor. Short plant. Easy to grow. Easy to trim. Medicinal plant. Medicinal value: nausea, insomnia and muscle spasms. Narcotic Indica Buzz. Potential THC level high.
Our Afghan originates from Northern Afghanistan, close to the border of Tajikistan. It is a 100% pure Indica landrace with a high level of THC. By inbreeding her we were able to improve stability and to cut down the height. To make her more suitable for indoor growing. Afghan is highly tolerant to irrigation and fertilization. Seeds will usually rise above ground within 3 to 4 days. There is little to no variation between individual phenos, especially when it comes to yield. The main buds are stretched, thick and solid. Side buds are also solid, but small and few in numbers. Afghan has a good flower to leaf ratio. She has very few leaves, but lots of calyxes covered in trichomes. She is therefore easy to trim.
When grown to fruition she smells like grade quality Afghani hashish. Afghan has a sweet, fruity and earthy flavor. And her high has a typical narcotic, Indica buzz. Medicinal value: nausea, insomnia and spasms.
Suited for: Interior (I) Exterior zone B/C (E)
Flowering: I) 8-9 weeks E) October/November
Plant height: I) 0.50-0.80m E) 2.00-2.50m
Yield: I) 400 gr/m2 E) 300-400 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: easy
Growing with cannabis seeds has numerous benefits, like: healthier, more resistant plants, no insects, better growth and better yields. In a number of countries you are allowed to grow cannabis. Buy cannabis seeds and possession of these seeds has been legalized in several countries over the years, Chile recently passed laws for seeds tob e allowed to be sold as souvenirs.
Veel hebben over de contest heen gekeken, hier nogmaals de link om mee te doen.

Zojuist 5 Bubblegun zaadjes in een mix van stekgrond en Plagron lightmix gestopt. Gewoon omdat ik dat nog had liggen. Zat te twijfelen om ze direct in de volle grond te zetten maar weet nog niet waar dat het beste kan. Ik mag twee plantjes in de tuin van een goede vriendin zetten

3 Afghan in de zwarte potjes, bruine potjes zijn de Bubbleguns.
Hier mogen ze ontkiemen, waar ze uiteindelijk komen te staan weet ik nog niet.
image.jpg Bubblegun Regular Cannabis Seeds (knip en plak van spiffseeds.nl) 55% Indica. Genotype: (Mexican x Columbian x Afghani) x AK. Fantastic fruity aroma and bubblegum flavor. Short and stocky structure. Vigorous growing stage. Fastflowering in 8 weeks. Rockhard, sticky buds. Medicinal painkiller. Rushing, energetic high. Potential THC level high.
Bubblegun has Mexican Sativa, Columbian Gold and Afghani Indica genetics. Originally from Indiana, USA, she was further improved in Holland. We used our AK to improve budstructure and yield. Our bubblegun is an Indica dominant strain with a high THC and CBD level, but with a definitive Sativa high. Bubblegun is compact and stocky and matures in about 8 weeks. She germinates really quickly and will surface in 2 to 3 days. She has tremendous root development, resulting in a thick stalked plant.
She is not too branchy. Both growing and flowering stage are vigorous, so you might need to prune this beauty. Pregrow under 24 hours of light will help keep her short, which is the sensible thing to do if you use the SOG method. Another way to limit height is to top or to fim her (this will create multiple buds) in the growing stage after reaching the third internode. That will limit her height, however does make her more bushy and require her to have more space in between individual plants. She has a great yield from her sticky buds. The buds are hard, compact and resemble somewhat the AK nugs.
Bubblegun has a longlasting, rushing and uplifting high. And her sweet, bubblegum taste have made her a firm favorite among smokers. She is a great painkiller. Medicinal value: headache, back pain, chronic pain, muscular pain and loss of appetite.
Suited for: Interior (I) Exterior zone B/C (E)
Flowering: I) 8-9 weeks E) October
Plant height: I) 0.80-1.00m E) 1.35m+
Yield: I) 400-500 gr/m2 E) 250-400 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: medium
Cannabis seeds like a humidity of around 70% during germination and a temperature of around 20-27 degrees. Preferably use a propagator for easy manipulation of temperature and humidity. Germination starts off in the dark and after hatching the seeds are placed in the light. During the growing stage they should have 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. Cannabis seeds can easily be stored for 2 years in a dark and cooled space without losing much of its germination power.
image.jpg Afghan Regular Cannabis Seeds 100% pure Indica. Genotype: Afghani Kush IBL. Hashish aroma and earthy, fruity flavor. Short plant. Easy to grow. Easy to trim. Medicinal plant. Medicinal value: nausea, insomnia and muscle spasms. Narcotic Indica Buzz. Potential THC level high.
Our Afghan originates from Northern Afghanistan, close to the border of Tajikistan. It is a 100% pure Indica landrace with a high level of THC. By inbreeding her we were able to improve stability and to cut down the height. To make her more suitable for indoor growing. Afghan is highly tolerant to irrigation and fertilization. Seeds will usually rise above ground within 3 to 4 days. There is little to no variation between individual phenos, especially when it comes to yield. The main buds are stretched, thick and solid. Side buds are also solid, but small and few in numbers. Afghan has a good flower to leaf ratio. She has very few leaves, but lots of calyxes covered in trichomes. She is therefore easy to trim.
When grown to fruition she smells like grade quality Afghani hashish. Afghan has a sweet, fruity and earthy flavor. And her high has a typical narcotic, Indica buzz. Medicinal value: nausea, insomnia and spasms.
Suited for: Interior (I) Exterior zone B/C (E)
Flowering: I) 8-9 weeks E) October/November
Plant height: I) 0.50-0.80m E) 2.00-2.50m
Yield: I) 400 gr/m2 E) 300-400 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: easy
Growing with cannabis seeds has numerous benefits, like: healthier, more resistant plants, no insects, better growth and better yields. In a number of countries you are allowed to grow cannabis. Buy cannabis seeds and possession of these seeds has been legalized in several countries over the years, Chile recently passed laws for seeds tob e allowed to be sold as souvenirs.
Veel hebben over de contest heen gekeken, hier nogmaals de link om mee te doen.
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