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Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

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    Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

    Korting op 420shop
    I will be there on Saturday, but just for about 1,5 hours as I need to catch the train back so I don't have the time to try out and smoke different crops.

    Which shop(s) shall I go?

    - I'm a foreigner and I don't want to get bad weed with brix etc.
    So is there any shop where you can be REALLY sure to get
    clean stuff and high quality?

    And will it be better when I ask them to show me the weed beforehand or will they get angry and give me crap if I ask? and just take the bag they show or more?

    Thanks in advance and have a good smoke!

    It's really important as the weed is for the christmas holidays and I haven't smoked for ages plus I really can't afford the whole travel to not work out...

    Re: Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

    There are several coffeeshops in Nijmegen and all off them are selling good weed. Take a look on internet: there you can find their names and the adresses. In each of them you are allowed to buy 5 grams. In about 1,5 hours it is possible to visit 3 or 4 shops, so you can buy 15 or 20 grams. The better weed costs allthere about 10 euro per gram. Succes with your shopping in Nijmegen. Greetings, Xtreme
    Last edited by Xtreme; 18 December 2012, 12:40.


      Re: Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

      Make sure you visit either Dreadlock or The Jetset. They have some pre-grinded mixes which will blow you away. They'll come at a price of about 5 euros per gram. De Kronkel is in the same alley, famous for their high quality, high prices and lack of service. But you won't be there for services, I guess. Ask anyone, preferably around the age of 20-30 and they'll point out directions. It should be a 15 minute walk from Nijmegen Centraal, the mentioned shops are pretty hard to find on your own. Since they're out of sight in an alley at the stations end of the centre of Nijmegen. So make sure you have plenty of time to look around, or ask for directions. When you see a McDonalds, you'll know you're getting close. Just keep walking in a straight line from the train station. (On the left there's a busstation, walk from the right side of the square, crossing the street there is more difficult, but it saves you another ten minute walk) and you'll be the fastest. Good luck!
      Een wijs man zei ooit: Als je iets niet kunt vinden over wiet kweken, dan wil je het blijkbaar niet graag genoeg weten.
      Rommeltopic. Buiten2016. Buiten2015. Buiten2014.


        Re: Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

        Dakota is nice aswell, just a 5min walk at max, high turnover on weed which makes me confident on the quality of the merchandise.

        Be sure to carry your ID, otherwise no access.
        Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


          "And will it be better when I ask them to show me the weed beforehand or will they get angry and give me crap if I ask? and just take the bag they show or more?" I won't be crap. If you visit the Dreadlock / Jet Set you will get a bag of weed (without the chance to check it first), but they'll weight it in front of you. And again; be sure to carry an ID card with you (not for your nationality, just for your age).
          [B][URL=""][COLOR=#008000][B]420Shop.NL: uw head- & seedshop!


            Re: Desperately need advice on getting really good weed from Nijmegen

            Just look for the big black guy wearing allot of gold around his neck & hands, he caan help you up for sure.
            Another advantage; if you decide to get cracked up, he's ya men
            Ik ben een Weed-O-Holic, noem me Weedovic.
            Je denk wattun mafkees maar 't boeit me niets

