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The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

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    Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

    leuk om lezen,goed en mooi duidelijk greetz
    Stay calm. Everything is going to be okay. There will be marijuana giveaways


      Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

      die foto's van die lowrydertjes zijn toch keimooi xD
      Mvg Izzz


        Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

        AK-48 (Sagarmatha seeds):

        Definitely the strongest and highest Thc rating of the the autoflowering types AK-48 is the big gun of the ganga arsenal. Combining the world famous attributes of the AK-47 and Lowryder has produced a most rapid flowering fem fatal. As with all the lowryder crosses yields are lower than original strains. The trade off is the fast ripening time and ease of growing. For many years AK has been the leader in THC production and the tradition continues with AK-48. Tight, crystal covered tops adorn the plant and the growth pattern is perfect for high density grows. AK-48 will be the champion of autoflowering plants today and most likely tomorrow! Lock and load the AK will be the battle cry when your friends demand heavy hitting weed they need.

        Double Diesel Ryder (Sagarmatha seeds):

        In a race for the best tasting weed, Doublediesel has performed remarkably. For those looking for a speedy version of the NYC Diesel this is the strain for you. Fast, furious and fantastic describe this futuristic plant from the big apple. Tighter buds than original Diesel the formation of the tops is unsurpassed. Changing air filters after every grow is recommended because of the incredible aroma associated with this girl. Best kept in jars to contain the smell, you will find yourself opening the lid just to get a nose hit of this most satisfying sensi. For stash, cash or competing in a bud bash, Doublediesel ryder is a winner.
        life cycle 8-9weeks height .5-.7m yield 300g/m2
        life cycle 8-9 weeks height .5-.7m yield 300g/m

        Lowboldt (Sagarmatha seeds):

        In our opinion the most pungent autoflower breed available on the cannabis scene. The delightfully delicious taste and aroma of Yumboldt has been retained. The golfball size buds produced are some of the stoniest to be smoked. So sticky to the touch the buds defy gravity and after smoking so will your mind. Lowboldt is a premier plant providing pleasure and prosperity. When you want a grate grow you must try our Low(boldt) The grass is greener on our side of the fence!
        life cycle 8 weeks height .5-.7m yeild 300g/m2

        Solo Ryder (Sagarmatha seeds):

        The backbone of our autoflowering program Soloryder is the main contributor to the autoflowering phenomenon. A jewel in her pure form and a dream plant in crosses the lowryder sequencing has transformed sensimillia production and proliferation. Because of the super fast growing schedule Soloryder is perfect for early cropping both indoors and especially outdoors. 8-9 weeks from seed to harvest is the predicted time frame for success. Closet and clandestine grows are best suited for Soloryder and her sisters. Being first to market can be a plus when getting the big bucks. This marijuana money maker will let you cash in before the other types even begin to flower if planted early enough in the outdoor season. Good for beginners and anyone interested in accelerated grows.
        life cycle 8 weeks height .5-.7m yield 300g/m2

        Star Ryder (Sagarmatha seeds):

        Competition for top honors, Staryder is proving to be a cannabis contender. Champion genetics were used with this holyrific hybrid. Light blueish hues, a pleasant smell and taste combined with buckets of silver coloured trichromes make this centre piece a must for cannabis collectors and enthusiast alike. In and out of the garden in record time its possible to have multiple outdoor harvest per year. Indoors with high dense growing techniques the performance of Staryder is unsurpassed in quality and quantity. Toke on some staryder and launch yourself to the skies with this heavenly smoke. The stratosphere is only the first stop on your sensimillia journey.
        life cycle 8-9 weeks height .5-.7m yeild 300g/m2

        Smurfberry (Sagarmatha seeds)

        Named after her Blueberry influence, Smurfberry has risen to the top of the Blueberry type auto flowering plants. All the blueberry traits familiar with that notorious strain have been preserved with this hybrid. Flavour, smell and color take you on a trip inside your mind to a Smurfy place where all is blue and sweet. High density growing is a must as with most auto flower breeds and she is no exception. When people want to have all the best then Smurfberry should be in your nest. Satisfying and sensual she evokes alpha waves that flow you right into the sweet spot.

        life cycle 8 weeks height .5-.7m yield 300g/m2

        Short stuff #1 (Short stuff):

        Yield : 14-36g per plant
        Effect : surprisingly strong hit
        Potency : 7/10

        A new auto-flowering strain developed by our growers in the Netherlands and at around half the price of original lowryder it offers great value
        Passing directly from the seedling to the flowering stage, Short Stuff #1 altogether does away with the vegetative growth stage, in a process called autoflowering. In other words, when planted, it sprouts, grows a couple sets of leaves, then immediately and automatically begins flowering (males at about day 17, females at day 20). As a result, it is the quickest, most compact, and most discrete plant available.

        This is not a huge commercial strain but a great alternative to traditional strains with many new advantages

        Snowryder (Short stuff):

        Growth period :10 weeks from seed to harvest!
        Seeds Per Pack : 10
        snowryder is a 100% auto flowering strain, a hybrid of Lowryder and Snow White. This strain carries a powerful punch and is without a doubt one of the strongest Auto Flowering strains to date, Heavy Crystaling is a trade mark of snowryder, Trichomes even appear on the males ! The taste and smell of this strain is very similar to Snow white / White widow so is sure to please. Yield is Avarage (15g - 25g under flouros per 6" pot) and the plants stay short (12" - 14") Snowryder is ready to harvest 10 weeks from planting.

        Blue himalaya (Short stuff):

        Our auto blue himalaya is a hybrid of the ever popular blueberry and a kush strain from nepal which helps to keep it nice and short. This is a highly resinous strain which stays very short and gives off a wonderful blueberry aroma

        Russian rocket fuel (Short stuff):

        Our russian rocket fuel strain is the result of crossing a heavy indica strain with very dense resinous buds with automatic NYC diesel which adds an exotic high and deeply fruity smell to the mix. This strain gives off a wonderful fuel-like aroma and really packs a punch.
        Lurking in the genetic make up of shortstuff seedbanks Russian Rocket Fuel is a monster
        The Russian Rocket Fuel Bush pheno
        This incredibly bushy phenotype is getting a lot of attention and is the reason it is now our top selling auto strain

        Himalaya Blue Diesel (Short stuff):

        Our auto himalaya blue diesel is a hybrid of the ever popular blueberry and an automatic kush strain from nepal which has been spiced up with the addition of new york city diesel. This mix of 2 classy auto strains provides a very strong indica biased hybrid with a spicy fruity flavour. Decent yields and a a knockout stone makes this strain a must for any keen collector

        Onyx (Short stuff):

        This strain is another special cross from breeder 'STITCH' who tells us About the Onyx plant "well this is a secret stabilized plant which includes AK47 x White russian and diesel, but many more...
        This plant is quite tall, between 50 to 90cm tall, very branchy, fruity taste, very good producer...
        This strain is going to be a legend and could be the most worked auto strain ever, result of the biggest selection from crosses we have ever done!"

        MI5 (Short stuff):

        50 to 110 cm tall)
        A new creation from the Autoflowering seed breeder 'STITCH' who says "Mi5 stands for My Indoor number 5 which is the highest selection of an AK47 cross borne after hard and long selection of breeding. The 5th cross was selected and is the final result of this hard work. Number 5 is very resinous plant, quite tall for an AK 47 plant cross, for 50 to 110 cm tall. This plant has a very purple afghani bred into it so outside will go a lovely rich shade of purple

        Q. If there are two potheads in the back of a car, then who is driving?

        A. The cop!


          Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

          prachtig gedaan
          thx man
          as it was in the beginning,
          so shall it be in the end


            Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

            Ik heb een vraagje. Ik heb niet kunnen uitvogelen of de Early's van Bobo seeds nou auto-flowers zijn, volgens mij wel toch? Kan iemand dit voor mij bevestigen ?



              Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

              Nee zijn geen AF`s wel extreem vroeg bloeiers
              Q. If there are two potheads in the back of a car, then who is driving?

              A. The cop!


                Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                Ik heb voor deze zomer omdat ik niet wil wachten op de grotere planten 5x Little Angel.. ook een autoflower van ministryofcannabis
                Last edited by AmnesiaMaikel; 7 January 2010, 10:45.


                  Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                  Nice page, dit was iets waar ik al een tijdje meer informatie over wou. Ik begin binnenkort met een eerste kweekje, en wilde een kleine autoflowersoort, om dan bij een volgende kweek eens over te schakelen op iets anders. Een niveautje hoger.
                  Weet er iemand of je autoflowerplanten kunt laten groeien onder TL in een kast? Of zou ik dan toch moeten hps-lampen installeren? De bedoeling is om meerdere lagen planten in een rek te kweken.

                  Ik ben een echte natuurmens, ook al die natuur kunstmatig.


                    Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                    Dan zit je al snel met warmte/ventilatie probleempjes als je in lagen kweekt Stonedrocks. Tis zeker mogelijk met TL/SL of LED, hps wordt tricky ivm de afstand van de lamp tot de plant (400w > 40cm, 600w 50-60cm). Zou het ook graag doen, bv 3 lagen AF-jes in een kast met LED's maar heb er nog effe geen plek voor helaas.
                    Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


                      Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                      Dacht ik eigenlijk al.

                      Ik heb een oude frigo op de kop getikt, volledig geisoleerd, witte wanden, redelijk brandveilig, lichtdicht, met hps zou ik er wel hele goede afzuiging moeten opsteken gezien de warmte-overlast. Het is uiteindelijk de bedoeling om er een volledig geklimatiseerde ruimte van te maken, waardoor ik het hele jaar door kan kweken. De legplankvoorziening zal ik uiteindelijk ook aanpasbaar maken, zodat ik eens kan afwisselen van soort. Grotere planten zou ik dan scroggen.
                      Ik ben een echte natuurmens, ook al die natuur kunstmatig.


                        Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                        O ja, ik zou ook voor ventilatie in de legplanken zorgen.
                        Ik ben een echte natuurmens, ook al die natuur kunstmatig.


                          Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                          Ik heb 5 van deze besteld.

                          White Russian autoflower per 5 stuks - LowlifeEUR 55.00

                          Deze zelfbloeiene White russian is altijd een favoriet geweest van telers over de hele wereld, door en door perfect! Ze begint al te bloeien na een week of twee en geeft een sterke geur.

                          Soort: dominant indica

                          Bloeitijd: 10 tot 11 weken

                          Oogstmaand buiten: half tot eind oktober

                          Opbrengst binnen: 350 tot 500 gram per m2

                          Hoogte: tussen de 25 en 40 centimeter.

                          THC: 22%

                          Deze plant is erg eenvoudig te kweken, echt een aanrader voor de beginner die niet te grote en te moeilijke planten wil hebben! Ze is geschikt voor binnen-, buiten- en kaskweek.


                            Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                            Eerste stapjes gemaakt in het autoflower-spectrum en jottum ik ben enthousiast! Viavia wat LR2 zaad op de kop getikt, 1e set zat meteen een ventje bij die mooi de dames heeft bevrucht, dus geen tekort aan zaad komend jaar Een 2e testset met 'n ander autoflowertje (Royal Queen royal automatic) heeft dochterlief vakkundig om zeep geholpen ("kijk pappa oranje plantjes!" > had ze ze even mooi oranje gespoten terwijl ze vol in bloei stonden- maar goed, hoe kan je boos worden/blijven op een grietje van 5)

                            Heb dankzij bobo gelukkig nog een setje black domina's, es kijken wat LR2xBD gaat doen (want stuifmeel zat resultaat ? volgend jaar
                            Society is like stew-if you don't keep it stirred up, you end up with a lot of scum on the top


                              Re: The Autoflowering Files (automatics)

                              kwam deze tegen

                              Haze Automatic (Dinafem) feminized

                              Dinafem has crossed plants selected from the Roadrunner strain with a JYD Haze, with the specific idea in mind of changing the characteristic taste of all the automatics.
                              The result is an improved automatic with a heavier yield, covered with resin from top to toe. It grows to about 100 cm in ideal conditions and produces impressive compact buds, totally aromatic and full of flowers, and in only 80 days. It doesn’t have the effect of a sativa, because although the levels of THC have increased, the levels of CBD remain high due to the automatic genetic pack. That is a small problem compared to being able to cultivate it almost expense-free under the summer sun, and at the same time solving the problem of crop thieves!
                              Blend: Rudelaris / +Indica / sativa.
                              THC: Medium.
                              CBD: High.
                              Production: 20-50 gr. (Automatic)
                              Flowering period: 70-80 days.
                              Height outdoors: 1 meter.
                              Genotype: (Lowrider#1 x Dinafem #1) X JYD Haze
                              Grtz KushMasta
                              Last edited by KushMasta TMHM; 17 July 2010, 04:59. Reden: foto
                              it's his line so only God knows
                              Grtz Kush


                                het grote auto flower topic

                                naarmate de autoflowers toch wel een rage beginnen te worden zowel voor de natuur groeiers als de binne groeiers,, leek het me leuk een topic te starten met alle soorten autoflowers die er zijn. ik zal alvast wat namen droppen hier.

                                iedereen die nog afjes weet vul de lijst maar aan. greetzz staff

                                Naam!!!----- BREEDER!!!

                                -BIG DEVIL (SweetSeeds)
                                -Annapurn (onbekend)
                                -Afrodite Automatic (Kannabia)
                                -Power Skunk Automatic (Kannabia)
                                -Lowryder #2 (The Joint Doctor)
                                -Diesel Ryder (The Joint Doctor)
                                -Quick One (RQS)
                                -Easy Ryder (The Joint Doctor)
                                -Haze Automatic (Dinafem)
                                -Roadrunner#2 (Dinafem)
                                -Green O Matic (Greenhouse)

                                mijn klein lijste jullie mogen de rest aanvullen zodat we een hele lijst hebben. voor onze forum gebruikers. van allerlei soorten autoflowers.

                                hoop dat we velen op deze manier kunnen helpen
                                peace staff

